Ayudando a lograr un futuro energéticamente eficiente


Green Technology

Last April, and after years of work, the IPCC - the panel of specialists on climate change linked to the UN - presented its report on how to mitigate climate change. In order to not exceed 1.5 ºC, global greenhouse gas emissions must reach their peak before 2025 at the latest; that is, in just three years.

In addition, there must be a 43% reduction in emissions by 2030. In practice, this implies a reduction by 2050 compared to 2019 of 95% in coal consumption, 60% in oil and 45% in gas. To stabilize the temperature at 1.5 ºC, it is necessary to reach net CO2 emissions by the early 2050s.

Results of the report

This report provides governments a roadmap to net zero at a time when, first the Coronavirus pandemic, and now the Ukraine crisis, have modified geopolitical priorities. It is a matter of time that carbon taxation and net zero emissions become normative and it is more than evident that the different governments are advancing in this area rapidly.

The IPCC report is optimistic about new technologies:

Digital technologies can contribute to mitigation of climate change and the achievement of several SDGs. For example, sensors, the Internet of Things, robotics, and Artificial Intelligence can improve energy management in all sectors, increase energy efficiency, and promote the adoption of many low-emission technologies, including decentralized renewable energy, while creating economic opportunities“.

But it is not a naïve techno-optimism, since it also points out the risks of poorly managed technology:

Some of these climate change mitigation gains can be reduced or counterbalanced by growth in demand for goods and services due to the use of digital devices. Digitalization can involve trade-offs across several SDGs, for example, increasing electronic waste, negative impacts on labor markets, and exacerbating the existing digital divide. Digital technology supports decarbonization only if appropriately governed.”.

The role of organizations

At business level, organizations play a fundamental role. Business leaders of any sector should prioritize on their agenda climate transformation efforts in their own organizations, engage their employees in positive impact actions, encourage organizations in their supply chain to take actions to combat climate change, and collaborate and innovate with other organizations and with the public administration on issues related to sustainability solutions.

More information

In “The contribution of companies to the Environment”, we tell you more on how to delve into the role of organizations in climate transformation. Also, to understand what their carbon footprint is, we recommend reading “The 3 types of emissions”. If you want to start your transformation towards a Green Tech Company, contact us.

Martí Fàbrega

Martí is a Digital Transformation Consultant and Senior Business Development Manager at SEIDOR Opentrends. His aim is to transform technology into business value for his clients, putting the greatest possible focus on innovation.