GenCat Salut

We created in record time the mobile app that helps combat Covid19


Navigating the path to success

During the onset of COVID-19 and its high impact on the population, the Department of Health of the Generalitat de Catalunya had a mobile app to facilitate the identification of positives and prioritize the most urgent cases. Additionally, it provided advice on how to act and enabled tracking. However, as more details about infection and symptoms emerged, and the number of cases grew, it became necessary to reconsider the app. This is when we were tasked with creating a completely new version, ready for the new situations according to the evolution of the state of alarm or the state of the pandemic.

With the goal of managing the evolution of the health pandemic correctly, the first major challenge was to outline the integral development of the project in 3 weeks. The second challenge was to implement it in a short period of time with a fully remote team. Finally, negotiating with Apple and Google to activate the application in their markets and make it available to all users was crucial.


The key to transformation

The result was the redesign of the mobile app (iOS and Android), Stop Covid19 Cat, with dynamic self-testing and centralization of all information on a server platform. From the outset, and motivated by the urgent situation, the project was approached with the formation of a Team-as-a-Service team to work remotely.

All aspects of the project were developed simultaneously, from requirements gathering, usability, prototyping, and implementation of the web platform, mobile apps, and test plan, converging all towards a single final stage.

During the creative and implementation phases, it was necessary to iterate, but the day-to-day urgency of the deadline demanded it. The entire team was fully committed.

  • Methodology

    Team as a service.

  • Design

    UX / UI.

  • Technology

    iOS and Android mobile app.

  • Partners

    AWS, Google.

Stop Covid19 Cat

Stop Covid19 Cat, an app with a positive impact on society and focused on the well-being of people.


The impact of working together
  • Over 1,000,000 downloads on Android and iOS.
  • Reduces the number of calls made to healthcare telephone services and in-person assistance services.
  • Allows prioritization of severe cases, providing immediate response and activating Emergency Medical Services if necessary.
  • Facilitates epidemiological control of the pandemic and tracking of symptom evolution.
  • Provides accurate and reliable information to citizens with recommendations on how to deal with Covid19.
  • Promotes and enhances voluntary confinement.