Liderazgo empresarial de Inteligencia Artificial

Business Leadership in Artificial Intelligence

Inteligencia Artificial

Effectively integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become imperative for companies seeking constant innovation and staying at the forefront. However, this technological advancement brings unique challenges that must be addressed with understanding and leadership. From understanding the fundamentals of AI to ethical management and organizational transformation, each step requires a clear vision and a solid strategy for successful AI implementation.

Understanding and Leadership

One of the main challenges for business leaders is to properly understand AI technology and its potential applications. AI includes a wide range of techniques and approaches such as machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision. Companies often hire new employees to take over AI-related tasks, which often lack the necessary business vision.

Leaders must educate themselves on the fundamentals of AI, understand its capabilities and limitations, and have a clear vision of how it can be applied to their specific industry. Once leaders understand AI, the next challenge is to identify the appropriate use cases for the company and define the expected outcome.

Teams and Leadership

AI projects must combine expert business people and diverse technical skills. At a minimum, they will include:

  • Data Analysts
    These are specialists who can handle the mass of data. They make sense of the data. With them, they are able to create machine learning models capable of identifying patterns or making predictions.
  • Solution Integrators and Architects
    They create the systems that will exploit AI models and make them reliable and available. They ensure interoperability with the rest of the systems. They build datalakes, break down "silos," and ensure data accessibility to the rest of the team. Finally, they define data ingestion and migration processes.
  • Domain Professionals
    Domain experts responsible for ensuring that the model adds value to the business. They usually have three critical functions: 1. Imagine the use case and measure success (indicators), 2. Understand the necessary changes in business processes, 3. Continue training the algorithms (change management).

AI requires large amounts of data to train models and generate accurate results. Business leaders face the challenge of managing and providing the right data to feed AI systems. This involves identifying relevant data sources, ensuring their quality, privacy, and security, and ensuring their availability for use in AI models. It may also require acquiring new data sets or collaborating with other organizations to access additional data.

Ethics and Responsibility

AI raises significant ethical and responsibility challenges. There are concerns about data privacy and misuse of personal information. In addition, AI algorithms may be subject to biases inherent in the data used to train them, which could result in discrimination or unfair decisions. Companies must proactively address these issues and ensure that AI systems are transparent, fair, and ethically responsible.

Change Management

Implementing AI projects may bring about changes in existing processes and even in organizational structures. Business leaders must be able to review and adjust processes to accommodate new technology and facilitate the integration of AI efficiently.

This may require redefining roles and responsibilities, as well as establishing new areas of work or teams. With AI, some routine and repetitive tasks can be automated, meaning that employees' roles and responsibilities may change. For example, to a new task of data labeling or model supervision (quality).


AI constantly redefines business boundaries, and visionary leadership is essential for successful outcomes. Understanding the technology, building diverse teams, handling data responsibly, addressing ethical challenges, and managing change are just some of the challenges. If you need support to apply a strategic approach and harness the transformative potential of AI in your business, contact us.

Martí Fàbrega

Martí is a Digital Transformation Consultant and Senior Business Development Manager at SEIDOR Opentrends. His aim is to transform technology into business value for his clients, putting the greatest possible focus on innovation.