
What value proposition does Opentrends make in the Metaverse?


As commented in the previous article, the Metaverse is a multidimensional experience that offers a wide range of possibilities. 

With the currently available technologies and large agreements, our first option proposal is the private metaverse, that is, the Metaverse as a service.

Metaverse as a Service (MaaS)
Metaverse as a Service (MaaS)

This proposal implies:

1) Space and environment:

  • Create your own private space with all the necessary components: auditorium, mini games, networking area, 360 videos, showroom, etc.
  • Prepare an environment aesthetically aligned with your design system, including the outfit of the avatars.

2) Content:

  • Transform your previously existing training content.

3) Realization and analysis:

  • Realize training and dynamization with your involved experts.
  • Analyze the results and improve your space on a recurring basis for one-month sprints, in Agile mode.
Why shouldn't you wait too long to develop an initiative in the Metaverse?

At Opentrends, we firmly believe in the results of these projects. In the same way, we also believe that the sooner you start working on them, the sooner you will obtain benefits.

  • It is a proven fact that immersiveness confers higher levels of concentration, fewer distractions and a greater focus on the experience.
  • Participation is much higher than in other types of activities: 100% of the participants customize their avatar.
  • Between 70% and 80% of participants socialize at events and interact with other participants. These results are much better than the results in traditional communities.
  • Concurrence and computing power are not a problem. During 2020, events have been held with more than 1,000 only concurrent users.

To deepen about the options of the Metaverse in training, we have prepared an explanatory video with examples.

Remember that doing the same old thing usually leads to the same results. This year, you deserve to Start Something New.


More information

Tanto si tu planteamiento es de máximos en un metaverso privado como si es crear una propuesta de valor que conviva con tu LMS actual, crear contenido VR/AR... podemos ofrecerte soluciones. Pídenos una demo y una propuesta de valor ajustada a tus necesidades.

Descubre en este artículo qué tecnologías y casos de uso hay disponibles en este momento.

Descubre en este video ejemplos de tecnologías del metaverso para training que ya están disponibles y otras que lo estarán en breve.

Whether you are thinking about building a private metaverse, or you want to create VR/AR content that coexists with your current LMS, we can offer you solutions. Ask us for a demo and a value proposal adjusted to your needs.

Discover in this article what technologies and use cases are currently available.

In addition, in this video you can see some examples of Metaverse technologies for training that are already available, and others that will be soon.

Carles Roca

Carles is a Senior Account Manager at SEIDOR Opentrends. He leads the financial sector and is an expert in operations management and BPM, CRM, LXP&LMS technologies. Previously, he has held management positions of talent management and digital learning in consultancy firms, insurance companies and banks. His aim is to develop technology-based value propositions that help improve customer experience, increase sales or reduce costs in a way sustainable in time.