4 Tech Trends for 2023

January 17 2023

We live in times of instability, marked first by the COVID-19 pandemic and, more recently, by the war in Ukraine, causing problems in the supply chain, inflation and much uncertainty at the global level.

In this context, organizations have made remarkable efforts in digitalization to achieve a measure of resilience: remote work has been encouraged, e-commerce has been implemented or improved as users lost the fear of online shopping, and progress has been made in optimization and efficiency through automation and cloud adoption.

In the public sector, progress has been made towards the smart city with investments in low-emission zones (LEZ) and smart buildings.

We believe that 2023 will be a year of technological acceleration due to the current environment of instability and because companies and organizations have understood that technology is a fundamental ally to adapt to changes.

Next we will review the 4 tech trends that we have seen that will mark 2023:

1. Artificial intelligence

We are witnessing a truly unique and exciting time, the beginning of the widespread adoption of artificial intelligence (AI). With Dall-e and ChatGPT, many are realizing the incredible potential of a technology that is no longer a promise but a reality. We are likely facing the initial moments of the emergence of an absolutely disruptive technology.

Next, we will see what actions and investments are being made by the major technological players. Recently, in a tweet Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, anticipated advances towards “general artificial intelligence and that in the future ChatGPT will seem like a boring toy”.

At the business level, 2023 will see technology providers continue to develop data platforms that are as adapted as possible to the reality of our customers and that transform them into data-driven companies. We will continue to focus on tailored developments and holistic paradigms that go beyond technology, such as data mesh for example.

From this point onward, data exploitation should include off-the-shelf AI models that major cloud providers have already trained (using our data) and are now made available to everyone.

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2. Metaverse

We are seeing an increasingly “phygital” reality, i.e., a hyper-connected future in which the physical world merges with the digital world. On the one hand, with the sensorization of the physical world, whether on a large scale (city, factory, building) or on a small scale (wearables), this translates into us talking about the “Internet of Everything” instead of “Internet of Things” Beyond that, what will make the difference and definitively break the barrier of the physical and digital will be the advances in truly immersive interfaces, which will be the lever for widespread adoption. We believe that the metaverse will play a pivotal role in these areas in the coming years.

While there have been very interesting advances in BCI (Brain Computer Interfaces), its adoption is still far off, in other words, much remains to be done to achieve the degree of immersiveness this technology requires for the user experience. Until then, we think the metaverse will play a pivotal role. We note two areas in which the metaverse can play an important role: the education sector (distance learning, internships, role play…) and the cultural sector (museums, concerts, etc.).

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3. Business Agility

In the current context, organizations have learned the importance of preparing their structure for change, whether changes in user preferences, changes due to disruptions in their own sector, or macroeconomic changes such as those already mentioned above. They learned that they must be flexible by design, and have the ability to bring products to market in the shortest possible timeframe, what we call “Business Agility.

In this context, use of the cloud will be fundamental, given the infinite scalability it provides, while generating CAPEX savings and providing an environment that is conducive to experimenting.

Companies will have to be willing to (“Fail Fast”), testing new features in the shortest possible timeframe, incorporating those with the highest level of adoption by users and discarding the others. We will need to accelerate the development cycle with short iterations and automate testing by definitively embracing a DevOps culture. We must gradually leave behind the project mentality (deadlines, phases, budget) to adopt a product mentality (team, experimentation, adaptation). New ways of collaborating with technology providers such as Teams-as-a-Service will open up.

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4. Sustainable Technology

A year ago, at SEIDOR Opentrends we were the first to identify this trend as a factor of growing interest in companies and organizations. This month, Gartner included it in its 2023 trend report and called it “IT Sustainability”. Sustainable technology or Green Technology refers to the use of technology and science to reduce environmental damage. Gartner further expands the meaning to incorporate the sustainability of the company itself. In either sense, what is involved is not a specific technology but rather a trend that encompasses all the others.

At SEIDOR Opentrends we are convinced that technology can be a lever of change towards a better and more sustainable world. The key is to create solutions that, in addition to creating business value, are also capable of reducing the carbon footprint. Solutions for Industry 4.0 as well as those aimed at smart cities, smart buildings or smart mobility will continue to be supported by sensorics, the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI) and the cloud. Public cloud providers will continue to make advancements in their net zero commitments, and in fact, they have made all their own tools available so that we can calculate the emissions of our workloads in the cloud and the savings they entail with respect to on-premise alternatives.

The use of all these aforementioned technologies, combined with the appropriate implementation of optimal cloud-native architectures, will allow us to make strides in improving operational efficiency and the energy management of our companies and organizations.

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These are the 4 technological trends that we believe will mark 2023. It is nothing more or less than what’s in front of us right now, although it is already known, the only constant right now is change. Contact us if you are looking for tech-based consulting for 2023.

Martí Fàbrega

Martí is a Digital Transformation Consultant and Senior Business Development Manager at SEIDOR Opentrends. His aim is to transform technology into business value for his clients, putting the greatest possible focus on innovation.